The Personality Advertising


We create and manage live and local radio endorsement campaigns. We manage every aspect of them, from local market research, creating the right media plan and compelling messaging, to in-person talent coaching, listening to each and every spot, in every market, on every station, to constant reviewing and improving results, and every other detail in between. There are a lot of details. None can be overlooked.

“Word-of-Mouth” is the most powerful form of advertising.

Personal recommendations from trusted opinion leaders are as strong as a personal recommendation from a trusted friend. They are the most powerful way to explain your brand’s benefits with credibility and clarity, as though you are doing this, one-to-one. Most of our customers are very good at explaining their product's benefits very clearly and succinctly.

When a radio host tells your story in the same way, to hundreds of thousands of perspective customers, who are listening very carefully, this process must be managed at all stages with great detail (from clarity to compliance). 

For our limited client base, we have the right vision, expertise and experience for how this all works. We also work hard and keep our client base to a minimum, so each of our customers get more than enough focus from us each day

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